Sunday, April 09, 2006

An Ambulance Passed By

Siiting on my front porch (enclosed and with a nice gas stove) at 2am, there is little traffic down on the road, and I noticed the ambulance, or rather one of those new EMT van things, pass by with its lights going, but no siren. I attributed the lack of a siren to the combination of the fact that none was really necessary on the empty road and the comfort of the passenger. It was followed, moments later, by a car, and I leapt to the conclusion that the passenger in the car was following the ambulance as a family member or loved one. The conclusion was justified, in my passing interest, due to the infrequency of any other traffic on the road at this hour of night.

Presumably this caravan, of sorts, was bound for the nearest emergency room, perhaps 25 minutes away, and my mind began the natural course of speculation as to the nature of the injury or medical anomoly - perhaps a shortness of breath, an episode of dimentia, or worse, a marital abuse? Was the person in the car remourseful or frantic with fear for a loved one? I will probably never know, and I wish the best for all concerned.

And I am grateful for the relative peace of my life, here on the porch, with only bills to pay, work to get done, and people to care for, and for people who care for me.

There is a lesson in a passing ambulance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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