Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sound mind, sound body; take your pick

If yesterday was exercise for the body (See "Cutting Wood," below), today was exercise for the mind. I had two meetings this afternoon.

I met with the staff of the Great Valley Technology Alliance to discuss the preparation of a Public Relations plan. This is needed because the general public has no clue as to what the GVTA is, and even some of the board members (of which I am one) are confused. (If you have any interest at all, you can click on that link.) I am involved because I volunteered. There is no money in it, but there is good will and connections. I think of it as "sowing seeds." Perhaps something will grow, but if not, it is worthwhile work and entertaining, with good people who care about what they do.

The second meeting was with an entrepreneur who wants to develop a web site. It included two ambitious twenty-something techno-geeks: one a "back-end" database guy and the other a graphic designer type. I am the project manager, I guess. There is no pay for any of us, but there is a pretty favorable prospect of a share in the earnings, if the stars are aligned. The two young guys are pretty sharp, I think, and we're gathering again on Tuesday to design this web site, absent the entrepreneur. We'll be on the front porch with beer and pizza and some blank white paper. It will be interesting.

So, approximately five hours of unpaid work, but still, perhaps, a good incestment of my time. You have to plant the seeds, or nothing will grow. Right?

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