Sunday, September 03, 2006

Labor Day Blues

Well no, not blues, really. But there's something about the end of summer that made me say that. It was a delightful day. I managed to get in a cyclecircumnavigation of the Lake before the guests arrived. Then I went to Olde Good Things in Scranton for a couple of hours with Holly, Sloan & Sloan's bro Logan. H & S are looking for doorknobs and such for their new digs, and although we left knobless (due primarily to the $34+ price per knob), we had a blast imagining what we'd do with half the stuff in the place. I was particularly attracted to a cupola from an old church that was bigger than my boat house. (Well, almost as big.) I considered that it would do very nicely to put around a hot tub up on the back terrace overlooking the Lake, but I don't know how I'd ever get it up there.

When we returned, Helen & Roman had arrived and we indulged in a pizza and conversation orgy. Before we knew it, fireworks time had arrived. H, S & L had to depart to Philly, and H & R and I strolled down to Doc Sgarlat's for a better view, which has been our habit of late.

The fireworks were nice, but we missed the traditional boat parade. Sorry to see a grand old tradition die, if it has, but perhaps it was the ugly weather earlier in the day, or perhaps there's now a regulation against carrying flares on board sailing vessels, but for whatever reason, the HLYC folks were not in evidence.

And anyway, to my mind, there's nothing like the fireworks you can get from a moonlit sky, that is, of course, if the conditions are right.

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